



Combat de Robot en Carton » Historique » Révision 1

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Thomas Trabattoni, 03/10/2015 09:18

Combat de Robot en Carton

Règlement fortement inspiré de celui du Columbia Gadget Works



Dimension et masse
  • Les robots doivent tenir dans un cube de de 20cm de coté et ne pas peser plus de 666 grammes.
  • Le châssis du robot doit être principalement construit à partir de carton.

  • 2 Composants actifs ne peuvent pas être connectés autrement que par du carton.

    • Les composants actifs incluent, mais ne sont pas limités aux, moteurs, servos, actionneurs, ressort ou tout élément capable de fournir un couple ou un déplacement.
  • Le carton pour le châssis du robot ne peut pas être recouvert d'autre chose que du carton en utilisant les adhésifs autorisés.

  • Tout le carton utilisé pour la construction doit venir d'une boite de 200x150x150mm simple cannelure, comme celle disponible ici.

  • Une bande de scotch de masquage de 50x150 mm est autorisé.

  • Le ruban adhésif renforcé (Duct tape) ne peut pas être utilisé.

  • Le pisto-colle et la colle à bois sont les seuls adhésifs utilisable pour la construction.
  • Les robots ne peuvent pas être peint pour cette compétition.


  • Toutes les armes doivent être mise en sécurité mécaniquement en dehors de l'arène. Les arrêtes vives doivent être protégé par un cache clairement identifiable, les armes tournantes doivent être physiquement bloqué en rotation, les actionneurs pour les armes à base de flame doivent être verrouillé mécaniquement en position fermé, etc.

  • Les concurrents doivent être capable de désactivé les armes à distance.

    • Toutes les armes doivent être mise en sécurité à la perte du signal de l'éméteur.
Armes interdites
  • Les armes suivantes ne sont pas admises en compétition:
    • Intentional entanglement devices Intentional explosives Untethered projectiles Projectile tethers are limited to 12" Liquid weapons Electric discharge weapons Any weapon determined by officials to pose a hazard to the arena or spectators


    Robots may be radio controlled by an operator or may fight autonomously.
    All autonomous robot competitors must be able to shut down the robot remotely.
    Batteries containing liquid acid or liquid electrolyte are not allowed.
    Lithium-based batteries are allowed, but may have no more than three cells (3S) and may not exceed a capacity of 1500 mAh.

Competition Rules

Prior to competition, at least two but no more than three impartial officials shall be selected to act as judges. They will inspect all competitors' bots to ensure compliance with the stated regulations and will be responsible for any decisions that may arise during competition.

    All competitors will be entered into a random bracket at the start of competition.
    Competition shall be structured in one-on-one fights, with the winner advancing to the next round.
Winning a Fight
    Competitors shall be granted a win under the following conditions:
        Their opponent forfeits.
        The opponent's bot is unable to move under its own power for ten continuous seconds.
        The judges award victory to a competitor after a fight has reached its time limit.
Time Limit
    Each fight shall be limited to 3 minutes.
    At any time during a fight, a competitor may call out "STOP STOP STOP" to forfeit. The fight will immediately end, and a win will be awarded to their opponent.
    Winners of a match will be allowed to use one half of a regulation box for repairs before their next fight.
    Competitors are guaranteed 20 minutes between matches for repairs, charging, etc.


The arena is 4ft x 4ft wide and roughly 2ft tall.

The floor is plywood with a covering of sheet ABS.
The walls are made of lexan, 2ft x 4ft.
The lower 4" of the arena are a protective molding.
The roof is comprised of hardware cloth with a 3/4" grid pattern.

Robot Kits

Several members have come up with a basic starter kit to make the drive system simple and affordable to robotics newbies and veterans alike. The kit includes a radio control receiver, but you will need to either purchase a transmitter or borrow one from CGW (we have several available for lending at competitions) to have a fully functioning bot.

CGW will offer complete kits before every tournament at cost. Before the last competition, they were priced at $40/kit.
Parts List

FlySky 3-channel receiver
2WD Robotics Chassis Kit
Arduino Pro Mini
RioRand L298N H-Bridge Motor Driver


Build tutorial video coming soon!

Arduino code is available on the GitHub repo. Use the simplified schematic as a guide for wiring each of the components up.

Mis à jour par Thomas Trabattoni il y a plus de 9 ans · 1 révisions